Invitation to the EOC AGM 2010

English Orienteering Council AGM
The EOC AGM will take place on Saturday 1st May 2010 at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, The Wolseley Centre,  Wolseley Bridge, Stafford ST17 0WT starting at 5:00pm in The Gatehouse
All Regional representatives have been invited. British Orienteering members affiliated to English regions are welcome to attend as observers.   Please let me know if you will be attending.
The draft agenda is:
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of 2009 AGM
3. Matters arising
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report
6. Home Internationals
7. Interland
8. Appointment of Selectors
9. Website
10. Team Kit
11. Election of Officers
12. AOB
a. Funding opportunities
13. Date of next meeting
Additional items for inclusion on the agenda should be submitted to by 26th April 2010.
A link to the venue’s website is here
Further details about the EOC and its activities can be found on the website at

English Orienteering Council AGM

The EOC AGM will take place on Saturday 1st May 2010 at Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, The Wolseley Centre,  Wolseley Bridge, Stafford ST17 0WT starting at 5:00pm in The Gatehouse

All Regional representatives have been invited. British Orienteering members affiliated to English regions are welcome to attend as observers.   Please let me know if you will be attending.

The agenda is:


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of 2009 AGM

3. Matters arising

4. Chairman’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Home Internationals

7. Interland

8. Appointment of Selectors

9. Website

10. Team Kit

11. Election of Officers

12. AOB

12a. Funding opportunities

13. Date of next meeting

Additional items for inclusion on the agenda should be submitted to by 26th April 2010.

A link to the venue’s website is here

EOC AGM 2010

Dear all,
The EOC AGM will take place at 5pm on Saturday 1st May at the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, which is conveniently located close to the parking field for Day 1 of BOC. A map of the venue will be issued in due course.
I will issue the agenda in the near future but wanted to make sure that you were aware that the meeting is not at the JK this year.
If I have sent this to anyone who shouldn’t now recieve it perhaps they could let me know and to whom it should now be addressed.
I look forward to seeing you on 1st May
Best regards
Chris Morris
Secretary EOC

The EOC AGM will take place at 5pm on Saturday 1st May at the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, which is conveniently located close to the parking field for Day 1 of BOC.  A map of the venue will be posted on the website in due course.

The agenda will be emailed to Regional representatives in the near future and posted on this site at the same time, but we wanted to make sure that you were aware that the meeting is not at the JK this year.