2014 Interland Bulletin 1

The French Ligue Nord-Pas de Calais de course d’orientation (LNPCCO) have invited us to race in the Interland 2014 match to be held in the Pas-de-Calais region near Bruay La Buissière (about 50 miles SE of Calais) on 30 March. England competes annually in this six-cornered match, its only one overseas, against two Belgian teams (Flemish and French speaking), the Netherlands, the Nordrhein-Westfalische (NW Germany) team and the French. The competition will be organized by the VALMO (Villeneuve d’Ascq Lille Métropole Orientation) club, with the support of Artois RaNd’Orientation (ARO) club.

Bulletin 1 is published on the EOC website and includes vignettes of the maps. Interland 2014 Bulletin 1

The LNPCCO calendar can be found at the following link: http://www.lnpcco.fr/index.php?mact=CGCalendar,cntnt01,default,0&cntnt01use_session=0&cntnt01year=2014&cntnt01month=3&cntnt01returnid=102

SHI 2013 Report

A report on the Senior Home International match held at Carlingford in the Republic of Ireland on the 28-29 September 2013 can be viewed from the link below:

SHI 2013 Report

VHI 2013 Report

A report on the Veteran Home International match held at North Norfolk on 5th and 6th October 2013 can be viewed from the link below:

VHI 2013 report