England win Interland 2011!
Chris Morris
Mar 07, 2011
The England team won the annual Interland match over the weekend in Luebbecke, NW Germany
The results can be found here, with a summary below:
Interland Cup
1. ENG (England) 252
2. VVO (Belgium) 212
3. FRSO (Belgium) 146
4. WTB (Germany) 124
5. LNPCCO (France) 99
6. NOLB (Netherlands) 41
1. ENG (England) 252
2. VVO (Belgium) 212
3. FRSO (Belgium) 146
4. WTB (Germany) 124
5. LNPCCO (France) 99
6. NOLB (Netherlands) 41
Further details and report(s) will follow shortly.
The Interland report is now available at https://orienteeringengland.org.uk/interland/event-reports/interland-report-2011/