For Interland, we will be selecting for the age-classes M/W40 to M/W65.

As VHI 2021 has had to be cancelled, we will be using five of the VHI 2021 selection races as the basis for Interland 2022, along with the November Classic. Results which will be used are

  • British Middle Champs Sat 5th June, Summerhouse Knott
  • Northern Champs Sun 6th June, High Dam
  • Scottish 6, Day 1, Sunday 1st Ardchattan or Day 3, Tuesday 3rd Arisaig
  • Scottish 6, Day 4 or 5, Thursday 5th/Friday 6th August, Creag Dhubh
  • BOC, Sunday 2nd October, Braunton Burrows, DEVON/SWOA
  • November Classic, Sunday 7th November, Milkham and Slufters, SOC

Those wishing to be considered should have competed in at least two of the above six selection events. The results of BOC will be given the greatest emphasis. Among the other events, the later events will be given greater importance.

Where Covid-19 restrictions have prevented travel to selection races, an English orienteer can let selectors know of results in high-level events abroad. Attendance at BOC2021 will still be important for selection.

Orienteers who change age-class in 2022 may be chosen for their new age-class if the selectors are aware of the change, and if their results in their 2021 age-class are strong enough, unless they have informed the selectors that they only wish to be considered for their 2021 age-class.

On occasions a competitor may be recovering from injury or illness, and know beforehand that he/she will not have a good result in a selection race. In such circumstance, the competitor should let a selector know in advance, and then his/her result in that race will not be considered.

In general a ‘retired’ or ‘disqualified’ will be taken to be the equivalent of a very poor run: those wishing to be selected should take every precaution to avoid mispunching in a selection race.

In the event that a race, or races, are cancelled, or a course being voided, the selectors will still consider competitors without the requisite number of results provided that they had entered the cancelled race(s) and that the total of achieved results plus entries for cancelled races meets or exceeds the required number of races.

In the selection races, competitors are requested to run the course recommended for their age-class. Vets who elect to run a longer course may, at the selectors’ discretion, have their results considered on a mins/k basis.

England Vets Selectors: Jackie Hallett (BOK), Tim Tett (SYO), Andy Hemsted (HOC, Chair).