The junior selection policy for Interland 2025 can be viwed from the following link:

Interland 2025 – Junior Selection Policy

The vets selection policy for Interland 2025 can be viwed from the following link:

Interland 2025 – Vets Selection Policy

Interland 2025 – Bulletin 0

The 2025 Interland Cup will take place on 2 March in the north of The Netherlands on the provincial border between Drenthe and Friesland, south west of Assen.

The hosts are the Nederlandse Oriënteringsloop Bond (NOLB) and their invitation/Bulletin 0 is available from the following link:
Interland 2025 – Bulletin 0

Images of terrain we might expect are in the ‘Exploring the Netherlands’ page linked below: